Certainly not the words you normally associate with piling... Not when you:
Drill a big open bore and have to remove spoil,
Pump out sediment-laden groundwater, or
Have cement slurry from a tremie pour.
But with screwpiling, there is no spoil, no groundwater entering the inside of the pile, and no tremie pouring. Accordingly, the hazards, processes, and risks have been ELIMINATED!
On site, screw piling is often undertaken in two steps:
The screw pile is sent to the site, and the excavators install (or rotate/wind/drill) the screw pile section into the ground.
…then the main contractor digs beams/slabs down…
The screw pile pipe is cut to the right height, and the reinforcing bar is placed as the concrete is poured (normally from a line pump).
As this photo shows, the site is clean and tidy, with minimal rebar—and it’s ready to go! You can even see how close the piles were installed to existing structures without any issues to their operations or damage to the building. Because the volumes are small (screw piles have a small diameter, so the volumes of concrete are comparatively small), some 40+ piles were concrete poured in one afternoon. And this is why screw piling can be clean and pretty.
Clean but handsome.