When undertaking deep foundations, geotechnical engineers and structural engineers love certainty... And in that regard screw piles are hard to beat when compared to other deep foundations methodologies.
Some of the key factors that relate to great transparency with quality control of the screw pile installation include:
1) TORQUE READINGS: Torque readings are recorded continuously from ground level to the final founding depth. The torque conveys rich and valuable information including:
1A) depth of the founding material
1B) consistency of the founding material
1C) soft layers
1D) estimated pile capacity, based on correlations of previous load tests.
2) PERMANENT CASINGS: A screw pile is essentially a permanently cased steel pile, with a range of benefits including:
2A) no water ingress - so no tremie pouring, nor changing rations of water : cement ratios. This includes issues like necking when casings are extracted.
2B) no bore collapse - so concerns about clumps of the ground falling in
2C) easy to check the pile depth
2D) easy to check pile verticality
2E) all of the steel can be inspected before it is installed, using micrometers to measure the steel dimensions and heat numbers.
All of these details are easy to obtain from any reputable screw piling contractor, and with some forethought and a decent ITP (Inspection Test Plan) holds can be put in place so you can visibly site the details above before concrete is poured into the pile.
That's why working with a reputable and experienced screw piling company means that installing a deep foundation can actually give you greater certainty that your building/structure sits on a solid foundation.
Transparent Piling.